W1 Reading Report

2 min readFeb 25, 2021

<Chapter 1 Behind the Gym>

  1. Why was Jill Pole crying behind the gym?
  • The reason Jill Pole was crying behind the gym is because she was bullied by some girls from her school

2. Why were they allowed to bully the smaller children?

  • They were allowed to bully the smaller children because people who supported the coeducational system believed that boys and girls should do whatever they like to do. For the biggest boys and girls, their favorite thing to do was bullying the others.

3. What was Eustace like last term? How was he different this term?

  • Eustace himself used the expression “tick” as he was explaining how he was before. He was sucking up to the students who bullied the others, currying favor, and dancing attendance on them. He didn’t do any of the sort this term.

4. Why had Eustace changed?

  • He had changed after he experienced going to Narnia with his cousins last holiday.

5. What did the curious teaching methods at Experiment House allow the students to learn?

  • The courious methods of teaching at Experiment House taught the students how to get away quickly and quietly when Bullying students were looking for them.

6. What did Eustace and Jill see when they opened the door?

  • They saw a different world as they were being blazed by sunshine. They found themselves seeing smoother turf and blue sky.

7. What did Jill see when she looked down from the precipice? How did it affect her?

  • She was overwhelmed by the hight of the precipice which no cliiff in her world to be compared with. Also, it was clouds the little white things she was looking at and she saw the real bottom between the clouds. By seeing all these, she couldn’t move and had no control over her body, and she became freezed.

I think the chapter, Behind The Gym, had a good start as the first chapter of The Silver Chair. I think it’s pretty interesting that the new character, Pole, was introduced and started the journey with Eustace. My favorite part from this chapter is when Pole looked down from the precipice. When the author invites the readers to imagine the scene together, I really felt like I saw the scenery under the cliff. I liked the way it explained how high the cliff was and what Pole was seeing. I’ve also found one ridiculous scene at the end which is Eustace falling off the cliff because of Pole’s numbness. Funny thing was she didn’t even know what she was doing and what was happening. It is said she just wanted to be fainted! I want to know what will be happened to Eustace and how their journey will be changed after meeting with a lion(and I assume the lion is Aslan!).

